This is Bailey with her friend Ry behind her in line. She claims he keeps calling her "Lover girl" ohhhh, the drama of kindergarten.
This is Bailey's teacher Mrs. Crane dressed as Mrs. Wishy Washy (A book they read) Bailey thought that she was so hilarious
Bailey Dying to go Trick or treating
You don't even know how hard it is for Jacob to keep a straight face in a picture
Okay so his monkey pants are just a tad high-water. They were all monkey's last year too. Mom was too cheap to spring for new costumes this year, and since they mostly still fit... But isn't my baby monkey too sweet?
the kids with their loot
The houses are so dang far apart here that Jacob was dying after about 10 houses and wanted to quit! Bailey just kept complaining "but my buckets not full yet!!" She is a die hard trick or treater. Lovin that candy just like her mama (sniff)
Our friends The Ball's took a picture of our family for us - when she sends it to me I will post it.
CANDY!! Candy, candy candy. I'm going to have to go on a serious diet now...i'm a candy fatty.
I LOVED Bailey's monkey costume! It was too cute!
I love how much candy your kids got! SHEEZE!!! I'm not letting my kids see those photos. I quit after just a quick buz through my neighborhood. They didn't get nearly as much as your kids got! BUT I let them have all our left-over candy! ha
Jenny Nichols???? I found your blog thru alicia's. You're family is absolutely adorible! I honestly didnt know who you were at first, i thought the comment about the 'kindegarten love' was cute so I kept reading and then realized who you were! Great blog!
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